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Beloved, I want to share with you today about “You’re not alone.” Sometimes, we spend all our time and energy trying to do what only God can do. And in the process, we would struggle and end up very frustrated. But the truth of the matter is God never intended for us to go solo in life. We’re not alone, God is with us (Deut. 20:1). And He says in Isaiah 41:10,

SCRIPTURE: Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. (Isaiah 41:10 NLT)

So, dearly beloved, maybe you found yourself in the same position. You want to break a bad habit or change your behavior in some way, but you are frustrated and discouraged by a lack of progress. There is good news for you, you’re not alone, God is with you. All you need to do is run to God for help, trust in Him and He will help you. He will give you the grace to overcome every struggle in your life, and you will discover a new level of God’s peace and joy again. Stay Refreshed!

NOTE THIS: There’s nothing worse than trying to fix something only God can fix!

RESPONSIBILITY: So, learn from this fact and make no similar mistake anymore. Always ask God for His grace in all that you do in life.

PRAYER: O Lord, help my life and give me the grace to overcome in every area of life that I struggle, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

PROPHETIC WORD: As you call upon God for help, may He answer you and fix all the things that’s not working in your life, in the name of Jesus’ Amen!

BIBLE TEXTS: Isaiah 41:10, Deut. 20:1

As always, thanks for reading and until next time. May today’s Times of Refreshing refresh, encourage and empower you! For more please visit: or contact us on

The Fount Spring

Obiorah, Emeka Prince is a Gospel Servant, an author, a counsellor, a teacher and a minister of the Word. He is a versatile writer and a blogger. He has written many articles published online. He is a member of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Nigeria, (CCRN). He is the author of Times of Refreshing Online Daily Devotional, a daily online devotional that was borne out of the inspiration and direction of the Holy Spirit. It ushers fresh breath into the souls of men, while refreshing and nourishing his spiritual wellbeing. He is the Founder and the Chairman Board of Trustee of The Fount Spring Empowerment Foundation, a non-governmental Organization formed to be a source of help to humanity towards empowering the people. He is happily married to Vivian and proud father to Testimony.