
Unleash the Genius in You (Part 2)

A Therapeutic lifestyle to Greatness 

Every man on earth has a genius locked in him or her. The point is this: regardless of who you are or where you come from, your background, educational qualification or how rich, poor or intelligent your parents may be, we all have a genius inside – it’s just a matter of doing the right things and taking the required approach to unlock this genius.
In Ephesians 2:10, it says “for we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Here is to say that you are wired in Christ Jesus to do a certain work, which God had already prepared for you. In James 1:17, the bible says; every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. That work and the gift from above is the expression of the genius in you.

In Proverbs 22:29; we are counselled to be skilled in the expression of the genius in us, to be able to serve before kings and not mere officials.

Let us consider uncommon demonstrated attitude and outlook to unleashing your genius to your generations.

#1: Live meditate and contemplative life

Meditation is a remarkable way to increase your intelligence. We’re allowed to take a step back from our current reality & analyze our strengths and weaknesses. Meditating is very rewarding and it reduces stress, improves focus, slows the aging process & strengthens our self-awareness.

Life can become extremely over whelming & mediation can help us clear that mental fog. When our minds are consistently stressed, anxious, and stimulated it becomes exhausted and holds us back from functioning at our full potential. This can lead us to feel lost or unsure about what the future holds for us.
The most common reason people meditate is to reduce stress. Stress promotes anxiety, depression, and weakens the immune system. It’s crucial to lower stress levels and develop a better understanding of our thoughts & feelings which allows us to have better control over our emotions.

#2: Develop a writing habit

The most successful people in history kept a journal everywhere they went. It’s a great way to increase your productivity and over all self-awareness. This tactic assists you with organizing thoughts, managing your goals, lowering feelings of anxiety, and enhances IQ by connecting language and the written word.

It’s remarkable to see your own thoughts written down because you can see what’s going on inside your head. It’s a fundamental element for increasing your self-awareness and figuring out what your life mission is. When we write down our goals we are more likely to follow through with them as it creates urgency.
Writing habitually can help you create new ideas and find solutions to any challenges you may be facing.

#3: Podcasts and Audiobooks

If it’s difficult to make time to sit down and read then you must use the time you already have. Increase your knowledge by listening to educational podcasts & downloading audiobooks that allow you to learn something valuable.
Listen while you’re on your way to work, while you exercise, while you clean your house etc. By subconsciously feeding your mind with knowledge and valuable content you begin to develop the successful mindset. Even if you’re not fully engaged your subconscious mind is still analyzing the information and keeping what’s important. This tactic has been a game changer for me and it’s a great way to learn if you don’t the chance to read.

#4: Find a Coach or Mentor

It’s important to have someone to work with you on your goals. Even the greatest and successful people in the world still have a coach to help them get motivated & achieve!

Books serve as great mentors but having real mentors can unlock the door to success. When we surround ourselves with people ahead of us, it gives us the opportunity to follow that same path with less risk. Find people that are already successful in any particular area and learn from their habits. Don’t be afraid to go to the top. The more you learn, the more you earn.

As you follow this approach, may God grant you an uncommon grace and wisdom to succeed and never to disappoint your generations in Jesus name.

God bless you.😃

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