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So, one other reason for the season of Christmas is getting away with Jesus. Beloved, you may never understand how to recover yourself from the shackles and fetters of life, nor figure out how to take a real rest in life until you get away with Jesus. Yes, it’s true. For He’s saying to you in Matthew 11:28-30,

SCRIPTURE: “…Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it…” (Matt 11:28-30 MSG)

REFRESHING FOR THE DAY: You might have lost focus and attention on your purpose in life and have made too many mistakes during the course of the year, and now you’re struggling to find yourself back on track. But I tell you, worry no more, the answer to your quest is here—just get set and get away with Jesus! Be intentional about it, don’t let the buzzing of celebrations distract you, and retreat to a solitary place with Jesus. Stay Refreshed!

NOTE THIS: Without Jesus in a person’s life, he will never find relevance and true meaning in his life.

RESPONSIBILITY: So, run to Jesus today, with open mind turn your heart to Him. Walk and work with Him, and He will help you find true meaning in your life.

PRAYER: O LORD JESUS, I come to You today, help my life and cause me to be relevant in life, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

PROPHETIC WORD: As you come to Jesus today, may He cause you to be relevant in life, in the name of Jesus’ Amen!

BIBLE TEXTS: Matthew 11:28-30

As always, thanks for reading and until next time… May today’s Times of Refreshing refresh, encourage and empower you! For more please visit: or contact on email for prayers and counselling.

The Fount Spring

Obiorah, Emeka Prince is a Gospel Servant, an author, a counsellor, a teacher and a minister of the Word. He is a versatile writer and a blogger. He has written many articles published online. He is a member of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Nigeria, (CCRN). He is the author of Times of Refreshing Online Daily Devotional, a daily online devotional that was borne out of the inspiration and direction of the Holy Spirit. It ushers fresh breath into the souls of men, while refreshing and nourishing his spiritual wellbeing. He is the Founder and the Chairman Board of Trustee of The Fount Spring Empowerment Foundation, a non-governmental Organization formed to be a source of help to humanity towards empowering the people. He is happily married to Vivian and proud father to Testimony.