The secret to activating and releasing into the next level of our destiny is by becoming what we desire. Yes, it’s true and that simple. Whatever we wish to achieve in life; first, we must become it. If you want to people to love and care for you, first become love, show others love. If you want to see respect and wonderful character among the people, develop respect and a great attitude. If you want God to bless you, first be a blessing to people.
SCRIPTURE: “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets”. (Matthew 7:12 NLT)
REFRESHING FOR THE DAY: The reason many people are frustrated and not happy in life today is because they don’t understand this principle. They see it, they hear it, but they don’t practice it. So, beloved, until you become what you desire, you may live to dream of it and may never achieve it. You don’t give trouble and expect to see peace, no, it’s what you give and the measure you give it, that you will receive (Luke 6:38). You may be waiting for God to bless you, while God is waiting for you to be a blessing. When you give your time, energy and resources to the care of others, you’re trolling on the path that’s connected to your destiny. Stay Refreshed!
NOTE THIS: The secret to activating and releasing into the next level of your destiny is by becoming what you desire.
RESPONSIBILITY: So, intentionally make efforts to become what you desire to achieve.
PRAYER: O LORD, help my life. Teach me to be who I want others to become to me, in the name of Jesus’ Amen! (Go ahead and pray for other intentions as the Spirit leads)
PROPHETIC WORD: May the Lord help us to understand and practice this great principle, in the name of Jesus’ Amen!
BIBLE TEXTS: Matthew 7:12
As always, thanks for reading and until next time… May today’s Times of Refreshing refresh, encourage and empower you! For further reading please visit: www.thefountspring.org; YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK: The Fount Spring; INSTAGRAM: @TheFountSpring