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Another striking and remarkable trait we should learn from the life of David that earned him the man after God’s own heart was his humility and total dependence on God. The real picture of the promise of God, to make our enemies our foot stool manifested in the life of David (Psm 110:, Lk 20:43). God gave him victory in all the battles he fought. But even after experiencing remarkable success in battle, David remained humble. When Saul offered his daughter, Michal, to him as a wife, David answered, “It’s a great honor to become the King’s son-in-law, too great for someone poor and insignificant like me” (1 Sam 18:23). For sure it can only take a man who is truly humble to think in that manner, regardless of his position in the eyes of God and men.

SCRIPTURE: Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor. (James 4:10 NLT)

REFRESHING FOR THE DAY: Again, later in David’s life, after he was crowned king and had conquered his enemies, the prophet Nathan told him of God’s promise to extend his dynasty forever, David prayed, “Who am I, Lord God, and who are the members of my household, that You have brought me this far?” (2 Sam 7:18). Recall at that point, David had known immense success at everything he put his hand to, yet he never took the credit or considered himself worthy of greatness. He gave all the glory to God. Stay Refreshed!

NOTE THIS: When you humble yourself God brings you closer to His heart and blesses you.

RESPONSIBILITY: So, learn to be humble, and never attribute your success and greatness to your effort or knowledge, but at all times give the glory to God.

PRAYER: O LORD, teach me to humble and always depend on You, in the name of Jesus’ Amen! (Go ahead and pray for other intentions as the Spirit leads)

PROPHETIC WORD: As you humble yourself, recognizing the greatness of God in your life, may He grant you access to His heart and cause you to succeed in all you do, in the name of Jesus’ Amen!

BIBLE TEXTS: James 4:10, Psm 110:1, 1 Sam 18:23, 2 Sam 7:18

As always, thanks for reading and until next time… May today’s Times of Refreshing refresh, encourage and empower you! For further reading please visit:; YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK: The Fount Spring; INSTAGRAM: @TheFountSpring

The Fount Spring

Obiorah, Emeka Prince is a Gospel Servant, an author, a counsellor, a teacher and a minister of the Word. He is a versatile writer and a blogger. He has written many articles published online. He is a member of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Nigeria, (CCRN). He is the author of Times of Refreshing Online Daily Devotional, a daily online devotional that was borne out of the inspiration and direction of the Holy Spirit. It ushers fresh breath into the souls of men, while refreshing and nourishing his spiritual wellbeing. He is the Founder and the Chairman Board of Trustee of The Fount Spring Empowerment Foundation, a non-governmental Organization formed to be a source of help to humanity towards empowering the people. He is happily married to Vivian and proud father to Testimony.

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