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Times Of Refreshing Daily Devotional

Date: Friday, 7 February 2025

Topic: No More Delays: Step Into Your Calling (3)

Focus: Taking the First Step

Message: Many people delay walking in their purpose due to fear, uncertainty, or feelings of inadequacy. But God’s calling on your life is not for the future—it is for now. It’s time to step forward in faith and obedience, knowing that He has already prepared the way.

Key Verse: Psalm 37:23 – “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him.”

The greatest breakthroughs happen when we step out in faith. The Israelites did not see the Jordan River part until they stepped into the water (Joshua 3:15-16). Peter did not walk on water until he stepped out of the boat (Matthew 14:29). The miracle happens when you move.

Many people wait for a clear roadmap before obeying God, but He often only gives the first step. Abraham was told to go to a land God would show him—but he had to move before he saw the destination (Genesis 12:1). The same applies to you.

What is God asking you to do today? Is He calling you to start a ministry, launch a business, go back to school, mentor someone, or step into a new leadership role? Whatever it is, do not delay any longer. The first step might feel small, but obedience in the small things leads to greater things.

Beloved, God is saying, “No more delays!” The time for waiting is over. Move forward in faith, knowing that He is with you.

Scripture Reading:
Joshua 1:9 – “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Refreshing for the Day:
So, take one concrete step today toward fulfilling your calling. Whether it’s making a plan, sending an email, signing up for a course, or having a conversation, just start. Stay Refreshed!

Note This:
God moves when you move. Your step of obedience activates His provision and guidance.

What is one small but significant step you can take today toward your calling?

O Lord, I choose to step out in faith today. Strengthen me to walk boldly in the purpose You have for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Prophetic Declaration:
I declare that I am moving forward in my calling. No more delays—this is my time to step into what God has prepared for me! In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Bible Texts:

Psalm 37:23, Joshua 1:9, Isaiah 41:10

As always, thank you for reading and until next time. May today’s Times of Refreshing refresh, encourage and empower you! For previous devotionals, please visit:

The Fount Spring

Obiorah, Emeka Prince is a Gospel Servant, an author, a counsellor, a teacher and a minister of the Word. He is a versatile writer and a blogger. He has written many articles published online. He is a member of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Nigeria, (CCRN). He is the author of Times of Refreshing Online Daily Devotional, a daily online devotional that was borne out of the inspiration and direction of the Holy Spirit. It ushers fresh breath into the souls of men, while refreshing and nourishing his spiritual wellbeing. He is the Founder and the Chairman Board of Trustee of The Fount Spring Empowerment Foundation, a non-governmental Organization formed to be a source of help to humanity towards empowering the people. He is happily married to Vivian and proud father to Testimony and Thanksgiving.