
Creating New Hunting Territories

The Champions Mentality

The intense and concentrated study of creating new hunting territories has bare a fact and opened my eyes to certain principles, moralities and ideologies of life; the world is too large for two to collide or crash. Just very few and insufficient ground has been covered over the years. There are many virgin and new territories yet to be hunted and covered; and people are clustered around and struggling at the hunted and occupied territories. Come to think of it, those occupied grounds was created by other people. Only vultures go and look for dead prey in occupied territory. Champions create new hunting territories.

A territory is an area which a person is responsible as a representative or agent.

It is a certain area that is owned or under control of someone. It is an area of interest or knowledge.

Every man on earth has his or her own territory or ground to conquer. There is an apportioned territory for everyone to hunt. Your portion is synced to your destiny. Your destiny is wired-connected to thrive on the allocated territory. Every territory is defined by the function of the destiny allotted to succeed therein. Therefore, one can only blossom on the assigned ground or territory. Just as the fish lives and breathes in the river, sea, water or ocean; when you take a fish out of river, it will suffocate and die. You look for your own river and succeed there. So as every man has an allotted territory to hunt, if the man stays out of the portion, struggling becomes inevitable and stagnation is evident.

Let us consider some principles necessary to create a new hunting ground.
Principle #1: Self-Discovery and Prayer: Who are you? Everyone wonders who they are at some point in their life. It is likely you have asked and tried to answer that question for yourself. Take a close look at the book of Jer 1:5; the bible says “before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” The manual of every gadget you acquired/bought is being drawn by the manufacturer of such gadget; so as God is your creator, go to Him in prayers, ask of Him what He created you to do for Him on the earth. The place of prayers is a place of where hunt territory is discovered. And you can only create what you have discovered; do you want to go far in life, you must discover your fertile land to cultivate.
Principle #2: Look within: Every man created has a unique and distinct talent that no other man on earth has. This is your strong-hold, discover that unique potential and you are the bomb. What you see within is the right key or pass-code to access your hidden potentials in you. It is locked for protection from external foes and adversaries. You are the only one that can access them; every other person can guide you to discover them, just like am doing now, but none has the right key to the entrance of those untapped bunch of potentials. Your gifts and talents give you directions to your territories. Your territories is your fertile ground to cultivate. Every other ground may be fertile and fruitful, but it may not be for you.
Principle #3: Go for a catch; Beloved, the moment you discover that strong-hold in you; do not relent, explore it. Take a bold step towards the right direction. You now have the key to open any locked destiny behind you. Your success and triumph on earth is tied to your ability to create a new hunting territory. You do not need to compete with anyone on earth, this is because no one has exactly same destiny; you are created for a greater accomplishments, and your fulfillment in life is geared towards your passion and urgency to creating a new hunting territories.
In conclusion, beloved just remember that the world is too large for two to collide or crash, and if a man stays out of his or her designated portion, struggling becomes inevitable and stagnation is evident. 
God bless you richly.
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