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One of the most beautiful aspects of Jesus’ invitation is that He is gentle and humble in heart. He doesn’t condemn or criticize us for our shortcomings. Instead, He extends compassion and understanding, assuring us that in His presence, we will find acceptance and love. Now, let’s explore the profound significance of “Come as you are” and how it can transform our spiritual journey. When we come to Jesus just as we are, the burdens and weight of expectations are lifted. Yes, it’s true.

Bottom of FormSCRIPTURE: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” — Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

REFRESHING FOR THE DAY: Life often bombards us with heavy expectations. We strive to meet the standards set by society, our families, friends and even ourselves. And when we don’t measure up, we feel inferior and desolate. But in God’s presence, there are no prerequisites. He invites us to lay down the heavy burden of perfection and simply be ourselves. Stay Refreshed!

NOTE THIS: When we come to Jesus just as we are, the burdens and weight of expectations are lifted.

RESPONSIBILITY: So, let’s all come to Jesus as we are, with all our imperfections and brokenness, and we shall experience the profound and transformative love of our Heavenly Father.

PRAYER:  O LORD, here we are, we have come to You. Please accept us, heal us, and renew us once again, in the name of Jesus’ Amen!

PROPHETIC WORD: As we’ve come to Jesus, may we find acceptance, healing and a love that never lets go, in the name of Jesus’ Amen!

BIBLE TEXTS: Matthew 11:28-30

As always, thanks for reading and until next time. May today’s Times of Refreshing refresh, encourage and empower you! For more please visit: or contact us on

The Fount Spring

Obiorah, Emeka Prince is a Gospel Servant, an author, a counsellor, a teacher and a minister of the Word. He is a versatile writer and a blogger. He has written many articles published online. He is a member of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Nigeria, (CCRN). He is the author of Times of Refreshing Online Daily Devotional, a daily online devotional that was borne out of the inspiration and direction of the Holy Spirit. It ushers fresh breath into the souls of men, while refreshing and nourishing his spiritual wellbeing. He is the Founder and the Chairman Board of Trustee of The Fount Spring Empowerment Foundation, a non-governmental Organization formed to be a source of help to humanity towards empowering the people. He is happily married to Vivian and proud father to Testimony.