Until we believers begin to validate, establish and demonstrate the power and nature of Christ in us, we may not attain greater heights in life nor make full proof of our callings on earth. Since we are complete in Christ, (Col 2:10); our faith, our conviction is handed down to us in the promises of God. And on His promises, we shall stand. This is the real report, every other report is counterfeit.
SCRIPTURE: Certainly not! Let God be true and every man a liar… (Romans 3:4) BSB
REFRESHING FOR THE DAY: No matter how interesting the reports of men may look, if it’s not from God, believe it not.
This is what happened with the Israelites in Numbers 13:25-33: God brought them out of slavery, they travelled through the desert, made it close to the promised land. God told them He would give them the victory, but when they were told how big the people were, when they heard all the negative reports, the Scripture says, they became too discouraged to believe. Instead of going in and taking the land they settled in the desert.
Beloved, you may have had this sickness for a long time, and the report says, “it’s incurable”; maybe you are still waiting on the Lord for children and the report says, “women at your age rarely conceive”. But I know, God is still on the throne, the big question is: whose report shall you believe? I know you will believe in the Word of God; it says in Isaiah 53:3, “by His stripes we are healed”, and you shall conceive and deliver like the women of Hebrew (Exodus 1:19). So, fear not, I see you on the verge of seeing a new level of God’s blessing and favor. Stay Lifted!
NOTE THIS: No matter how interesting the reports of men may look, if it’s not from God, believe it not.
RESPONSIBILITY: Stand firm in the Word and keep on believing in the promises of God.
PRAYER: O LORD, I believe in Your Report. Help me to demonstrate it strongly in my life, in the name of Jesus’ Amen! (Go ahead and continue to pray)
PROPHETIC WORD: May every promises of God concerning your life come down on you and remain upon you, in the name of Jesus, Amen.
BIBLE TEXTS: Romans 3:4, Numbers 13:25-33, Isaiah 53:1,3
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