At the center of every promise and its manifestation lies the waiting period. The most difficult period of all time is the waiting period. We all hate it when we’re asked to wait. But the truth of the matter is, in life we’re always waiting for something: it’s either we’re waiting for a dream to come to pass, or waiting to meet the right person, or waiting for a problem to turn around. And to this effect, it won’t be out of place to say that, much of our life is spent waiting.
SCRIPTURE: In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. (Psalm 5:3) NIV
REFRESHING FOR THE DAY: The reason many people hate waiting is owed to the fact that they wait without expectation. Waiting is the place of expectation. Waiting without expectation is hoping without faith. The both are inseparable. David understood this principle. He said in Psalm 5, “Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly”.
Beloved, expectation in your waiting is like the yeast in the dough, that gives rise to your manifestation. At every stage of life, we’re waiting and trusting God for one thing or another. And the manifestation of one waiting period gives rise to another stage of the waiting period. So, waiting is an integral part and a way of living; if that’s so, then there’s every need we must live to embrace it. Waiting is not supposed to be passive. True waiting is actively expecting. Stay Lifted!
NOTE THIS: At the center of every promise and its manifestation lies the waiting period. And whatever the manifestation would be is totally dependent on how well the waiting period is spent.
RESPONSIBILITY: Wait patiently on God, and in all your waiting, wait with expectancy.
PRAYER: O LORD, teach me to always wait with expectancy, in the name of Jesus’ Amen! (Go ahead and continue to pray)
PROPHETIC WORD: As you wait on God, may He answer you and give you your heart desires, in the name of Jesus’ Amen!
BIBLE TEXTS: Psalm 5:3; 27:14
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