Times Of Refreshing Daily Devotional www.thefountspring.org
Date: Saturday, 28 September 2024
The world offers countless distractions—wealth, status, possessions—but all these things are temporary. When we choose Jesus over silver or gold, we are making a conscious decision to let go of these distractions and focus on what truly matters: our relationship with Him. As we fix our eyes on Jesus, we find purpose and peace that no material wealth can provide.
Scripture Reading: “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”– Matthew 6:33
Refreshing for the Day: Today, take practical steps to remove distractions that keep you from focusing on Jesus. Whether it’s limiting time spent on material pursuits, reevaluating priorities, or spending more time in prayer, intentionally realign your focus on what is eternal. Let Jesus be your constant, even amidst life’s distractions, and let your heart be firmly rooted in Him by the end of today. Stay Refreshed!
Note This: Distractions are the enemies of focus. The more you focus on Jesus, the clearer your path will become, and the less the world’s distractions will matter.
Responsibility: So, beloved, are there any areas where you’ve been distracted by worldly pursuits? How can you make Jesus your priority?
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, help me to let go of the distractions of this world. My desire is to seek You first and trust that You will provide all that I need. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
Prophetic Word: I declare that I will let go of the distractions of this world. My heart will seek first the kingdom of God, and everything I need will follow in His perfect time. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Bible Texts: Matthew 6:33
As always, thank you for reading and until next time. May today’s Times of Refreshing refresh, encourage and empower you! For more please visit: www.thefountspring.org