One of the greatest secrets of getting along in life irrespective of the its many challenges, leading a satisfactory life and fulfilling our destiny is having a good thought and feeling about ourselves. The way we see ourselves and how we feel about ourselves will have a tremendous impact on our destiny. But the key to sustain it is, no matter what you’re going through, the challenges you’re facing, don’t ever be too hard on yourself.
SCRIPTURE: Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! (Isaiah 49:15) NIV
REFRESHING FOR THE DAY: Beloved, how you see yourself and how you treat yourself will determine how you will treat others. The reason some people don’t get along with other people is because they don’t get along with themselves. If you don’t like who you are, it will be very difficult for you to appreciate who others are. You have to be at peace with yourself, before you can be at peace with others.
But the solution is, be grateful to God for who you are and what you have achieved so far in life. You might have many dreams, yes, but what you have now is what you need. Don’t go through life being against yourself for what you don’t have. Always note that if you don’t it today, you will it tomorrow. Just focus on your strengths, pray always, do the right thing, and it shall be well with you. Stay Lifted!
NOTE THIS: The way you see yourself and how you feel about yourself will have a tremendous impact on your destiny.
RESPONSIBILITY: Focus on your strengths and not weakness, pray always, and do the right thing.
PRAYER: O LORD, give me the grace to appreciate who I am, and cause me never to be hard on myself, in the name of Jesus’ Amen! (Go ahead and continue to pray)
PROPHETIC WORD: As you begin to appreciate yourself, may God help you and yours, in the name of Jesus’ Amen!
BIBLE TEXTS: Isaiah 49:15
As always, thanks for reading and until next time… May today’s Times of Refreshing refresh, encourage and empower you! For further reading please visit:; YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK: The Fount Spring; INSTAGRAM: @TheFountSpring