There is nothing that strangles and stifles our efforts to success than strife and unnecessary competition. When we compete with others, we create division, hatred, jealousy and anger. And none of these would help us in our pursuit to achieve success. So, the Scripture says;
SCRIPTURE: Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. (Phil 2:3-4) ESV
REFRESHING FOR THE DAY: Beloved, the truth of the matter is that success has nothing to do with competition, but it has everything to do with focus. To achieve success in whatever you do in life, you must be focused on what you’re doing, do everything you can to avoid competition. Remember you’re running your own race; you have a target to meet. You should not allow what others are doing to affect what you’re doing. So, instead of worrying and beating yourself hard about another person’s achievement; focus on your goals, do not relent, double up your efforts and you will succeed. Stay Refreshed!
NOTE THIS: Success has nothing to do with competition, but it has everything to do with focus.
RESPONSIBILITY: The key to avoiding strife and unhealthy competition is focus. So, remain focused in whatever you do.
PRAYER: O LORD, give me the grace to avoid strife and unhealthy competition. Help me to remain focused, in the name of Jesus’ Amen! (Go ahead and continue to pray)
PROPHETIC WORD: Receive the grace to avoid strife and competition in all your pursuits, in the name of Jesus’ Amen!
BIBLE TEXTS: Philippians 2:3-4
As always, thanks for reading and until next time… May today’s Times of Refreshing refresh, encourage and empower you! For further reading please visit: www.thefountspring.org; YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK: The Fount Spring; INSTAGRAM: @TheFountSpring